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3D Software
3D Format: OBJ - FBX - SKP
Click on a Window to visit its 3D collection
French 3D Window
Sliding 3D Window
Panoramic 3D Window
Hung 3D Window
Crank 3D Window

3D Models French Windows Download

According to the materials of the window, the sections of the frames are different, as well as the profiles 

of the glazing stop. 

To observe these differences, click Play to start a 3D tour!




Schematic of the various window configurations available in 3 materials, PVC, Wood and Aluminium.

3D Window Warehouse
Click on a Window to visit its 3D collection
3D French Windows
3D Sliding Windows
3D Panoramic Windows
3D Hung Windows
3D Crank Windows

Pack French Window 3D

29,99 €

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